Safety Regulations

Stewards: D. Braumann & S.Goldsworthy

1. Duty of Care: – All competitors have a Duty of Care to avoid exposing themselves or other people to unsafe situations that could lead to injury. The Duty of Care extends to the prevention of damage to property. 
2. Direction of Wangaratta Agricultural Society INC: Competitors must comply with any reasonable request of committee representatives. 
3. Emergency Information: and maps showing Emergency Assembly Points are located in the various animal pavilions and buildings. Competitors should be familiar with these plans. 
4. First Aid During the Wangaratta Show: Royal Flying Doctors provides First Aid services. 
5. Emergency Facilities: Firefighting or other emergency equipment must not be removed or used for any other purpose. Missing or unserviceable equipment should be reported to Administration immediately. 
6. Hazard & Incident Reporting: Competitors must notify the Area/Pavilion Supervisor or Administration immediately if any hazards are detected or incidents occur. Hazards or incidents are any situation that could result or has resulted in 
a) The injury, illness, or death of any person. 
b) The injury, illness, or death of any animal. 
c) The damage, destruction, or loss of property. 
d) Fire
e) Other. 
7. Waste Disposal: All waste, including liquids, must be disposed of responsibly. Storm drains must not be used for the disposal of waste.
8. Housekeeping: All areas must be kept in clean and tidy order with clearly defined, available access and exit routes at all times. 
Build-up of combustible waste must be avoided. 
9. Slips, Trips & Falls: Care must be taken to minimise trip hazards and obstacles that people may walk into. Avoid laying unprotected cables or pipes on or above paths, walkways, or roads. 
10. Media Comments: Media comment about matters involving Wangaratta Show or the Showgrounds is co-ordinated by the Administrator. 
11. Smoking: is not permitted inside buildings, within 10 metres of a building entrance, around combustibles, during public performances or while handling hazardous material. 
12. Electrical Equipment:
a) Extension cords must be earthed, and all electrical appliances must be earthed or double insulated. Appliances must be in a sound working order. 
b) All electrical leads and temporary electrical equipment must be tagged and tested. 
c) The use of double adaptors is strictly prohibited. Power boards must be fitted with current overload protection. 
d) Radiant electric or gas heaters are prohibited. 
e) Light sockets must not be used for any other purpose than for lighting. 
f) No naked flame permitted.